
Above, you will find an amateur re-enactment of Act III, Scene 3 of Macbeth. In this scene, Macbeth's best friend, Banquo is preparing to expose him as Duncan's muderer, based on no evidence at all. Macbeth orders three men to kill Baquo as he is out trying to spend some quality time with his son, Fleance. Actually, Macbeth only hired two assassins in Scene 2, but a mysterious THIRD MURDER inexplicably shows up... (what?) This is the chaos and calamity that ensues. Sort of.

Thanks to...

Max "Jackie Chan" Araya,

Matt "the Third Murderer" Dimaria,

Jimmy "the Axe-ecutioner" Nealon,

Andrew "Stick-Throwing" Pompa,


Dan "Puttin' the 'Flee' in Fleance" Welch